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Главная » 2010 » Сентябрь » 26 » ЦЛК - рейдовый лут и Т10
ЦЛК - рейдовый лут и Т10

Цитадель Ледяной Короны - рейдовый лут

25-местный нормальный режим

264AxeMelee.DPSTwo-HandBryntroll, the Bone Arbiter
264DaggerSpellMain HandFrozen Bonespike
264Fist Weap.Melee.DPSMain HandBlack Bruise
264GunTankRangedRowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets
264ShieldSpellShieldBulwark of Smouldering Steel
264StaffPhys.DPSTwo-HandDistant Land
264PlateMelee.DPSChestGendarme's Cuirass
264PlateMelee.DPSHandsFleshrending Gauntlets
264PlateSpell MP5HeadFaceplate of the Forgotten
264PlateSpell MP5ShoulderRusted Citadel Stormers
264PlateSpellWaistBelt of the Lonely Noble
264PlateTankLegsLegguards of Lost Hope
264PlateTankWaistBelt of Broken Bones
264PlateTankWristBracers of Dark Reckoning
264MailPhys.DPSChestCarapace of Forgotten Kings
264MailPhys.DPSHeadSnowserpent Mail Helm
264MailPhys.DPSWaistNerub'ar Stalker's Cord
264MailSpell MP5HandsUnclean Surgical Gloves
264MailSpell MP5LegsLeggings of Dubious Charms
264MailSpellShoulderHorrific Flesh Epaulets
264LeatherPhys.DPSFeetFrostbitten Fur Boots
264LeatherPhys.DPSLegsGangrenous Leggings
264LeatherSpellHandsHandguards of Winter's Respite
264ClothSpell HitLegsPlaguebringer's Stained Pants
264ClothSpellFeetPlague Scientist's Boots
264ClothSpellShoulderStiffened Corpse Shoulderpads
264ClothSpellWaistCrushing Coldwraith Belt
264ClothSpellWaistLingering Illness
264Misc.Melee.DPSFingerMight of Blight
264Misc.Melee.DPSFingerRing of Rotting Sinew
264Misc.Phys.DPSFingerBand of the Bone Colossus
264Misc.Phys.DPSNeckWodin's Lucky Necklace
264Misc.Spell HitFingerLoop of the Endless Labyrinth
264Misc.Spell MP5FingerMarrowgar's Frigid Eye
264Misc.Spell MP5NeckPutrid Embrace
264Misc.SpellNeckBone Sentinel's Amulet
264Misc.TankFingerHarbinger's Bone Band

10-местный нормальный режим

251AxePhys.DPSOne-HandBone Warden's Splitter
251MaceTankOne-HandThe Brokenhammer
251StaffSpell HitTwo-HandAbracadaver
251SwordMelee.DPSTwo-HandCitadel Enforcer's Claymore
251SwordSpell HitMain HandFrost Needle
251PlateMelee.DPSHandsFestering Fingerguards
251PlateSpell MP5FeetAncient Skeletal Boots
251PlateSpell MP5HandsFestergut's Gaseous Gloves
251PlateSpellLegsCorrupted Silverplate Leggings
251MailPhys.DPSWaistLinked Scourge Vertebrae
251MailSpell MP5WristColdwraith Bracers
251LeatherPhys.DPSLegsPlague-Soaked Leather Leggings
251LeatherSpellWristWrists of Septic Shock
251ClothSpellLegsKilt of Untreated Wounds
251ClothSpellShoulderBloodstained Surgeon's Shoulderguards
251ClothSpellWaistCord of the Patronizing Practitioner
251CloakPhys.DPSBackShawl of Nerubian Silk
251CloakTankBackCloak of Many Skins
251Misc.Phys.DPSNeckPrecious's Putrid Collar
251Misc.Spell MP5FingerSignet of Putrefaction
251Misc.SpellTrinketSliver of Pure Ice
251Misc.TankNeckMarrowgar's Scratching Choker

Награды за репутацию

Заметка: Вы можете "проапгрейдить" эти кольца за более высокую ступень репутации с Ashen Verdict.

251Misc.TankFingerAshen Band of Courage
251Misc.Phys.DPSFingerAshen Band of Vengeance
251Misc.Spell HitFingerAshen Band of Destruction
251Misc.Spell MP5FingerAshen Band of Wisdom

Наборы брони Т10
Это параметры нескольких наборов и 10-го Тира.

Classilvl 251ilvl 264ilvl 277
Death Knight Scourgelord'sBattlegearSanctified BattlegearSanctified Battlegear (Heroic)
Death Knight Scourgelord'sPlateSanctified PlateSanctified Plate (Heroic)
Druid Lasherweave'sGarbSanctified GarbSanctified Garb (Heroic)
Druid Lasherweave'sBattlegearSanctified BattlegearSanctified Battlegear (Heroic)
Druid Lasherweave'sRegaliaSanctified RegaliaSanctified Regalia (Heroic)
Hunter Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter'sBattlegearSanctified BattlegearSanctified Battlegear (Heroic)
Mage Bloodmage'sRegaliaSanctified RegaliaSanctified Regalia (Heroic)
Paladin LightswornGarbSanctified GarbSanctified Garb (Heroic)
Paladin LightswornPlateSanctified PlateSanctified Plate (Heroic)
Paladin LightswornBattlegearSanctified BattlegearSanctified Battlegear (Heroic)
Priest Crimson Acolyte'sRegaliaSanctified RegaliaSanctified Regalia (Heroic)
Priest Crimson Acolyte'sRaimentSanctified RaimentSanctified Raiment (Heroic)
Rogue Shadowblade'sBattlegearSanctified BattlegearSanctified Battlegear (Heroic)
Shaman Frost Witch'sGarbSanctified GarbSanctified Garb (Heroic)
Shaman Frost Witch'sBattlegearSanctified BattlegearSanctified Battlegear (Heroic)
Shaman Frost Witch'sRegaliaSanctified RegaliaSanctified Regalia (Heroic)
Warlock Dark Coven'sRegaliaSanctified RegaliaSanctified Regalia (Heroic)
Warrior Ymirjar Lord'sBattlegearSanctified BattlegearSanctified Battlegear (Heroic)
Warrior Ymirjar Lord'sPlateSanctified PlateSanctified Plate (Heroic)
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«  Сентябрь 2010  »
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